Sales & Use Tax Audit Relief

Are you currently under audit?

Sales tax audits have been ramping up, making up State revenue has become the trending news story…

Enlist the help of a former WI Dept. of Revenue auditor to protect your rights and your business:

  • Reduce records requests
  • Minimize tax assessment
  • Minimize or eliminate penalties
  • Speed up the audit
  • Find tax you overpaid and get your refund


Hire someone who knows the tax law and understands how the audit process works to work for you.

Whether you just received your audit notice in the mail, have already began the audit process, or you were audited within the last two years…


Enlist the help of a former WI Dept. of Revenue auditor to protect your rights and your business:

  • Reduce records requests
  • Minimize tax assessment
  • Minimize or eliminate penalties
  • Speed up the audit
  • Find tax you overpaid and get your refund


I understand the tax law and how the audit process works. Don’t worry and stress– let me guide you through your audit. 

If you were audited within the last two years, get a second review to obtain any refunds of overpaid sales and use tax during the audit period. DOR auditors do not look for overpayment – so do not miss the window of opportunity!

 Audit Defense Fee: $5,000 retainer, $250/hour billed monthly – option for contingency fee basis 









1052 Main St Ste 201 Stevens Point WI 54481


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