Craig Johnson Multi state Tax
Craig Johnson, Exec Director of the Streamlined Sales Tax Governing Board, provides an update on Certified Service Providers, the Wayfair decision/economic nexus/marketplace facilitators, and discusses the latest project that Streamlined Sales Tax is working on to...
Rep John Macco
Rep Macco discusses tax simplification in Wisconsin - challenges and goals. Listen Now
Scott Peterson/Chad Paulson – Avalara
Scott Peterson/Chad Paulson - Avalara
Scott Peterson Chad Paulson
Scott Peterson VP/Govt Relations and Chad Paulson Tax Analyst for Avalara discuss multi-state tax and Certified Service Providers (CSPs). Listen Now
Brad Boycks WBA
Brad Boycks, Exec Director of the WI Builders Association, discusses the housing industry. Listen Now
Mike Griffin JP Cullen
Mike Griffin, CFO of JP Cullen, discusses the construction industry and the effects of the pandemic. Listen Now
Tracy Champagne
Tracy Champagne, Small Business Milwaukee & TLC Digital Media, discusses marketing and web presence for small businesses. Listen Now
Aaron Bakken
Aaron Bakken, Franchise Consulting Company, discusses entrepreneurship during the pandemic - challenges and opportunities. Listen Now
Jackie Zach
Jackie Zach, Business Coach for ActionCOACH, discusses tips for business owners to achieve success. Listen Now
Atty Tim Schally
Atty Tim Schally of Michael Best Law Firm discusses sales tax from an attorney's point of view. Listen Now
1052 Main St Ste 201 Stevens Point WI 54481