Sign up fast before all available times are booked! The value for your business is MEASUREABLE! Whether you have been creating audit flags, missing sales tax exemptions on purchases, not obtaining the correct documentation from customers, charging tax incorrectly, not properly paying sales/use tax on purchases, or filing your return incorrectly… there are so many ways a business can make mistakes with this complex tax.
- Get specific questions answered.
- Discuss your organization’s procedures.
- Find out what documentation auditors will look for.
- Find out what exemptions may apply to your specific transactions.
- Do your returns raise audit questions?
- Are the exemption certificates you receive “fully completed”?
- Are you providing/receiving the correct exemption certificates?
- …and so much more!!!
Get insights from a former auditor in the most information packed 90 minutes you will ever experience! Be sure to schedule a break after this meeting!
Free appointments only available for the month of August, on a first come, first serve basis. In-person appointments limited, virtual appointments may be required. Appointment times are Monday-Friday 8 AM – 4 PM, based on availability.
To schedule an appointment, call Holly at (715) 498-4164 or email
About Holly Hoffman: Holly provides WI businesses sales tax education, audit “insurance,” and advisory services as the owner of Sales Tax Advisory Network. Prior to starting her consulting business, Holly worked for the WI Dept of Revenue as an auditor and head of the WI Dept of Revenue’s Speaker’s Bureau. Holly has a Bachelors and a Masters in Accounting. Holly also serves as chair of WI Institute of Certified Public Accountants State & Local Taxation Committee (2022-2025).
Sales Tax Advisory Network, LLC provides Sales Tax Audit Protection Plan for businesses receive unlimited advisory services, access to training, and guaranteed sales tax audit representation all for a low flat monthly fee. Reduce your risk to be selected for an audit and, if selected, be fully prepared to defend your business for no additional cost. OR Hire us to defend you in a current sales and use tax audit. Don’t wait, hire a professional advocate who knows audit policy and sales tax law to work for you.