by tchampagne | Feb 26, 2023 | News and Service Announcements, Uncategorized, Wisconsin Sales Tax
Pub 223 Bakeries Flow Chart.pdf Retailer Sales.Use Tax Food Items.pptx pb220QuickReferenceGuide.pdf Food and Food Ingredients are generally Not Taxable “Food and food ingredient” is defined in sec. 77.51(3t), Wis. Stats., to mean “…a substance in liquid,...
by tchampagne | Mar 21, 2022 | News and Service Announcements
Owner, Holly Hoffman, was interviewed by the Wisconsin Institute of CPAs and appeared as the cover story in its publication, On Balance. Holly appeared throughout the magazine, as her story shared her personal journey through hard times to become a business owner and...
by tchampagne | Jan 8, 2022 | News and Service Announcements
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 3, 2022 Holly Hoffman Sales Tax Advisory Network, LLC (715) 498-4164 Announcing First Annual Midwest Contractor Sales Tax Conference February 15-16, 2022 | In-Person & Virtual | Eclipse Event Center,...
by tchampagne | Jul 13, 2021 | News and Service Announcements
Contractors are often confused with their own identity when it comes to sales tax. Let me make it easy for you, you do not have to pick just one! You can do a variety of activities and qualify for various sales tax exemptions while identifying primarily as a...
by tchampagne | May 17, 2021 | News and Service Announcements, Uncategorized
The building materials exemption applies to the contractor’s purchase of materials consumed in realproperty construction activities and the following requirements are met: The construction must be for a qualifying exempt entity; The property must become part...
by tchampagne | Dec 20, 2020 | News and Service Announcements, Uncategorized
Do you currently attend annual contractor sales and use tax law training? Do you walk away feeling overwhelmed and unsure how to apply what you learned to your specific tax issues? The Sales Tax Advisory Network, LLC has rolled out a new approach to helping...